• Summary: These statistics and charts are created from completed incentive applications from the Single-family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH) programs, the Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing (MASH) programs and the Disadvantaged Communities – Single-family Solar Homes (DAC-SASH) program.
Data Type: Incentive Applications
Utilities: PG&E, SCE and SDG&E
Technology: Solar PV

Territory and Location1


Total Installed Capacity

Ownership Type3

MASH Tenant vs. Common Area Allocation4

Data Current Through


1The MASH and SASH programs were available in PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E service territories and are now closed. For the DAC-SASH program, please note that its CalEnviroScreen 3.0 disadvantaged communities (DACs) are not dispersed evenly throughout the state or its IOU service territories. For more information on the percentage of DACs by utility territory, click here.

2Projects are grouped by First Incentive Claim Request Review Date.

3Third Party Ownership was not available in the SASH 1.0 program.

4Common Area Allocation refers to MASH 1A Common Area % (for MASH 1.0) or 1C Common Area % (for MASH 2.0) incentivized capacity.
Tenant Allocation refers to MASH 1B Tenant % (for MASH 1.0) and to [ MASH 1D >=50% Direct Tenant % + MASH 1C Non-VNM Tenant % + MASH 1C VNM <50% Direct Tenant %] (for MASH 2.0) incentivized capacity.

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